Lion's Roar Medicine
Wake Up and Roar
Awakening in the New Earth
The Lion's Roar is the Awakening of humanity to our Divine Nature, which is currently creating a massive paradigm shift on planet Earth.
Many of us are feeling this shift internally, and may also be witnessing the death of a way life that we spent many years and countless hours of our life force investing in. It can be disorienting to feel ourselves "losing control" or simply not having answers to the current challenges that are arising. We may feel as though we just need to "buck up" and pull ourselves together, however each time we do, the push back that we continue to come up against seems relentless.
Simultaneously, we feel a longing for a life that we know, deep inside of ourselves, we are meant to live. We feel a longing for more joy and authentic connection, for a deeper sense of purpose, and for the ability to create more sustainable relationships with our ecosystems, on both the macro and micro levels.
Some of us feel drawn to work more with our hands, to plant food, to make art and to live in deeper connection with the earth and community.
If this sounds familiar, Lion's Roar Medicine is here to ensure you that there is nothing wrong with you. You are not crazy, you are not depressed, you are not lost. You are simply awakening.
Lion's Roar Medicine is a portal dedicated to supporting the remembrance of our Divine Nature as well as our Galactic origins. Through our remembrance, our wholeness is restored. When we gather, in remembrance, we activate one another while supporting the collective, at large.
If we can stay with the tension of
 opposites long enough, sustain it,
 be true to it, we can sometimes
 become vessels within which the 
divine opposites come together and 
give birth to a new reality.
Marie-Louise von Franz